Schools Outreach
OUDS runs a schools Access and Outreach programme with Oxford Spires Academy, a local state school. This programme was set up by Eva Bailey in 2024.
Once weekly during term time, the Access and Outreach Officer leads an after-school drama club at the school. The primary aim of this club is to provide a fun space for keen students to do more drama, but it also aims to enrich the school arts curriculum by equipping students with skills and knowledge to which they might not otherwise have access. Previously, this programme has functioned as a ‘drama skills’ club, with activities based around a different skill each week. Past sessions have focused on improvising, acting and reacting, and devising, as well as skills that aren’t covered in the drama curriculum, such as directing.
Additionally, in 2024/5, the Access and Outreach Officer judged the inter-house pantomime competition at Christmas and assisted with rehearsals of the school’s production of The Addams Family.
To further promote drama in local state schools, OUDS also endeavours to invite school groups to dress rehearsals or productions of shows wherever possible, offering complimentary tickets. This has been particularly successful with productions at the Oxford Playhouse.