The Cameron Mackintosh Drama Fund
Established by a generous benefaction from Cameron Mackintosh, The Cameron Mackintosh Drama Fund (CMDF) funds projects which supports the promotion of interest in, and the study and practice of, contemporary theatre within the university. The fund pays for the University Drama Officer, a dedicated member of staff to support student theatre and performance across the university, as well visiting speakers and workshops.
They always welcome new and creative funding proposals. To ask about funding opportunities, contact the University Drama Officer at [email protected]
CMDF Production Grants
CMDF provides grants to student productions on a termly basis. This funding is advertised by the University Drama Officer in the second half of term. The vast majority of applicants receive a grant equivalent to 12% of the production’s budget.
Secondly, productions can apply for a Guarantee Against Loss (sometimes referred to as a ‘grant underwriting’ or GAL). A GAL is an approved amount of money given to the production in the event it makes a loss. It can’t be used to pay back funding bodies but to cover costs that you, as individuals, are personally liable for. As a result, it is worth applying for a GAL for every production you stage.
Thirdly, CMDF offers an additional sum to go towards the cost of vacation residence for productions rehearsing outside of term. Up to £350 can be given to each production that applies.
CMDF Personal Development Grants
Current Oxford University students can apply to CMDF for a grant of up to £250 in one academic year to participate in an activity which will contribute to their personal or professional development within the performing arts. Applications will be announced by the University Drama Officer in the later half of every university term.
CMDF Funded Headshot Session
CMDF often funds the cost of a headshot session with a local photographer. Most often in Michaelmas and Trinity Term, each participant gets a 30min session to generate two headshots. Enter a randomised ballot to apply, as advertised by the University Drama Officer.